Happy Birthday, Putri !!

happy birthday to me.. happy birthday to me..
happy birthday.. happy birthday..
happy birthday to me :)

pratiwihputri on facebook

happy birthday putri, hope everything gonna be better.. *amien

anyway, today is my birthday :)
First of all I wanna say THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all my friends for the greeting.
I'm so appreciate it :*

and big thank's for my boy @adjisuwarsono who had call me at midnight 
( ◦˘ з(◦'ںˉ◦)~
actually I want to see you in my special day because there is only one 30th September on a year :(

and special thanks for my friends @febibunga @naredta and @esuti from the gift, I’m lovin it

here is beberapa twit dari temen-temen yang ucapin aku, makasih banyak yaa ceman ceman (з´`ε)
maaf banget gabisa semuanya dimuat disini..


dan ini beberapa short message service yang aku terima di handphone’ku, maaf juga ga semuanya tapimakasih banyak buat temen-temen yang udah inget sama ulang tahunku, love you all..

met ulang tahun ya putri ku yg imoet tetali...
moga apa yg putri mau impiin terkabul ya..
jangan pernah menyerah tetep semangat ya putri..
tetep senyum'x yg maniz imoet'x ya put..
sama kayak dulu waktu sd tu..
si imoet tomboy.
yaudah good night put..
have a nice sleep.
muach di kening. 

from steve sd at 23:16:48,
hahaha ini nih fans aye sejak sd *duileee

met ultah ya sayng.. :)
semoga apa yg km pingin bisa trcapai, bisa dpt IP3 :D, enggak sakit"an lagi, tambah dewasa, tambah tinggi :)
maaf ya kalo aq sering bgt buat km jengkel,, ;)
i love you pe.. :*

from hanibaniswiti at 00:10:43
makasih yaaa sayang atas ucapannya, waktu itu si ai sempet telpon tepat jam 12 malam tapi aku'nya lag di toilet hehehe, tapi akhirnya dia telpon lagi. Love You so ai *kisskiss

happy birthday ya put, sukses selalu deh..
ojok lali traktirane rek, hehe..

from rosyid at 01:57:27
he is my ex, hmmmm :)

mungiiil..happy birtday ya!!
semoga tambah rajin, tambah GEDE, panjang umur, tambah lain2nya.. :D
jangan lupa traktirannya ya.. :p

from dino aksi at 05:35:22
he is my college friend, also my partner :)

happy birthday put...
semoga panjang umur, sehat selalu & sukses...
best wishes for you (˘з(˘˘*)

from teyong at 06:28:42
she is my mad scientist gank, hahaha, thank you teyong :*

phuuuu.. happy bday!
semoga sukses slalu.
smoga ai makin cinta deh sama kamu.

from epi at 07:51:11
she is my beloved friend and my mad scientist gank too..

spertinya ad yg mau traktiranne..

met ultah yo :)

from hami at 11:20:01
calon kakak ipar hahahhaha and my mad scientist gank too..

mbaaak tiw, kamu ultah yaaa?

happy bday :*
have a miracle year. .

from benita aksi at 11:51:49

Hey sahabat kecil ku, happy bornday yooo. :)
semoga dengan tuwek e dirimu, kamu tambah dewasa, tambah pinter, patuh sama mama papa mu, dilancarkan rejeki mu, dimudahkan segala urusan mu, dan slalu dilindungi ALlah swt. dan selalu langgeng sama aji yooo, hehehe.

ojo lupa traktiran ne, pokok e tak tunggu lhooo yoo sahabat kecil ku ;) !!

from sahabat kecil at 12:16:35
sahabat kecilku makasih banyaaak yaaa (づ ̄ ³)

Ps. when I wrote this post, I'm being in phone with @notanita :)

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